In several aspects, the North has much more
advantages than the South. The North had more than twice as much railroad as
the South; this made the movement of the Union troops, food, and supplies
faster and easier in the North. There were also twice as many factories than
the South has, so the Union was better at producing guns, ammunition, clothes,
and other items needed for its army. The North has a well-balanced economy base
between on their farming and industry. Moreover, the North already had a
functioning government and a small group of army and navy. Most importantly,
the North has two thirds of its nation’s population; this made more men available
to the Union army and sufficient labor to remain for farm and factory work.
In the
other hand, the Confederates had some advantages too. Seven of the nation’s
eight military colleges were located in the South; most officers were also
sided with the Confederates. In addition, their military tactics showed that
they only have to defend their borders, its army needed only to repel Northern
advances rather than initiate military action. In contrast, in order to restore
its nation, the North would have to attack and conquer the South. Another advantages
for the South is their moral, many southerners were eager to fight they believed
that they were fighting to preserve their way of life.